Illinois ESPB

  1. 2007. Spatial ecology and over–winter survival of neonate Eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) at Carlyle Lake. Co–investigated with S. J. Baker.
  2. 2007. Population size and genetics of the Blanding’s Turtle at Goose Lake State Natural Area Grundy County, Illinois – Year 1. Co–investigated with W. J. Banning.
  3. 1997. Reproductive ecology, home range, and dispersal of the River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna, from Illinois.
  4. 1993. Status of the River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna, in the Illinois backwaters of the Wabash and Ohio Rivers. Co–investigated with Dr. E. O. Moll.