- Arkansas State Wildlife Grant Program
2013. Habitat requirements, occupancy estimations and status of primary burrowing crayfishes in southwestern Arkansas.Chelonian Research Foundation, Linneaus Fund
1997. Reproductive ecology, home range, and dispersal of the River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna, from Illinois.Chicago Wilderness
2005. Ecology of the threatened Blanding’s Turtle, Emydoidea blandingii, in the Chicago Wilderness Area. Co-investigated with A. R. Kuhns and C.A. Phillips.Eastern Illinois University Council on Faculty Research
1994. Community relationships of freshwater turtles from a southern Illinois backwater of the Ohio River. Co–investigated with Dr. E. O. Moll.Eastern Illinois Honors Program, Undergraduate Research Award
1993. Population ecology of the state endangered River Cooter, Pseudemys concinna.Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
2017. Demographic monitoring of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) at Pratt’s Wayne Woods Forest Preserve. Co-investigated with Dr. S. J. Baker.Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
2016. Assessment of a species distribution model for the Spot-Tailed Lizard (Holbrookia lacerta) in Texas. Co-investigated with Dr. M. L. Niemiller, and Dr. M. A. Davis.United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Discretionary Funds
2004. Field Surveys for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) in southern Cook and northern Will counties, Illinois. Co–investigated with Dr. C. A. Phillips.